The E J W Gibb Memorial Trust
The objectives of the Gibb Memorial Trust are to promote the study and advancement of the areas of Gibb’s interest. This is done through the preparation of scholarly publications, and through the awarding of scholarships to researchers working in the field.
Gibb Trust News
The Trustees of the Gibb Memorial Trust express their deep sorrow at the death of fellow trustee Prof Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila (26 February 1963 – 18 December 2023) and their condolences to his family
Publishing Partnership with Edinburgh University Press
Publishing Partnership with Edinburgh University Press
Latest Releases
Top Sellers
A Short History of the Gibb Memorial Trust and Its Trustees: A Century of Oriental Scholarship
Charles Melville (editor)

Shiʿite Legal Theory: Sources and Commentaries
Kumail Rajani & Robert Gleave (editors)

A Short History of the Gibb Memorial Trust and its Trustees: A Century of Oriental Scholarship
Charles Melville (editor)
Publishing Partnership with Edinburgh University Press
The Gibb Memorial Trust is pleased to announce its new publishing partnership with Edinburgh University Press, a leading publisher in the field of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies. From 2022 the Trust's publications will be distributed by Edinburgh University Press...
Scholarship applications open until 15 April 2022
Applications for the 2021 Gibb Centenary and A. H. Morton scholarships are open until Friday 15 April, 2022. See here for more information:

Faḍāʾil-i Balkh
Arezou Azad(Author); Edmund Herzig(Author); Ali Mir-Ansari(Editor)

The Portrait of Abū l-Qāsim al-Baghdādī al-Tamīmī
Emily Selove (Editor), Geert Jan van Gelder (Editor)
Scholarship applications open until 30 April 2020
Applications for the 2020 Gibb Centenary and A. H. Morton scholarships are open until Thursday 30 April, 2020. See here for more information:
2019 scholarship recipients announced
The E.J.W.Gibb Centenary scholarship of £2,000 was awarded to Ruhollah Nasrollahi D.Phil. Oriental Studies (Modern Iran) at the Oriental Institute University of Oxford. The Alexander Morton Memorial Scholarship of £3,000 was shared by William Rees Hofmann, PhD candidate in Music, School of Arts, SOAS University of London, and Farshad Sonboldel, PhD candidate at the University of St Andrews in Modern Languages (Persian Literature and Culture).
Applications for 2019 scholarships open until 30 April
Applications for the 2019 Gibb Centenary and A.H. Morton scholarships are open until Tuesday 30 April, 2019. Apply online here.
The Qur’an
Alan Jones
Averroes: On the Harmony of Religion and Philosophy
George F. Hourani
Averroes’ Tahafut al-Tahafut (The Incoherence of the Incoherence)
Simon Van Den Bergh (Translator)
Recent Reprints
The Travels of Ibn Jubayr
William Wright; M. J. de Goeje
Mázandarán and Astarábád
H. L. Rabino; Charles Melville
Introduction à l’Histoire des Mongols de Fadl Allah Rashid ed-din
Edgard Blochet; Charles Melville
The Mathnawí of Jaláluʾddín Rúmí
The Mathnawí of Jaláluʾddín Rúmí: Volume 1, Persian Text
Reynold A. Nicholson
The Mathnawí of Jaláluʾddín Rúmí: Volume 2, English Text
Reynold A. Nicholson
The Mathnawí of Jaláluʾddín Rúmí: Volume 3, Persian Text
Reynold A. Nicholson
The Mathnawí of Jaláluʾddín Rúmí: Volume 4, English Text
Reynold A. Nicholson
The Mathnawí of Jaláluʾddín Rúmí: Volume 5, Persian Text
Reynold A. Nicholson
The Mathnawí of Jaláluʾddín Rúmí: Volume 6, English Text
Reynold A. Nicholson
The Mathnawí of Jaláluʾddín Rúmí: vols 7 and 8; Commentary
Reynold A. Nicholson
The Mathnawí of Jaláluʾddín Rúmí: vols 1, 3, 5; Persian Text
Reynold A. Nicholson
The Mathnawí of Jaláluʾddín Rúmí: vols 2, 4, 6, English Translation
Reynold A. Nicholson
E J W Gibb’s ‘A History of Ottoman Poetry’
A History of Ottoman Poetry Volume I: 1300 – 1450
E J W Gibb
A History of Ottoman Poetry Volume II: 1450 – 1520
E J W Gibb
A History of Ottoman Poetry Volume III: 1520 – 1600
E J W Gibb
A History of Ottoman Poetry Volume IV: 1700 – 1850
E J W Gibb
A History of Ottoman Poetry Volume V: Later 19th Century
E J W Gibb
A History of Ottoman Poetry Volume VI: Turkish Texts
E J W Gibb